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World Book Day costumes for redheads

World Book Day costumes for redheads

It’s World Book Day soon!

This year, World Book Day is on 7 March 2024!

Whether you’re dressing up your little redhead (or yourself for general life goals), or just wanting some literary inspiration for your next read, we would, rather unsurprisingly, recommend diving into the fictional worlds of our favourite red-haired characters and some costumes on a budget…

Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables book

Dressing up as Anne Shirley: Red hair in braided pigtails, a floaty cotton summer dress (with or without pinafore), and an overly flowery bonnet to boot.

The Weasley family in Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

Dressing up as a Weasley family member: For optimal impact, this fancy dress costume is always done best as a group (we trust that you know at least a couple of other redheads). Get yourselves black cloaks, accessories in the Gryffindor colours (red and gold/yellow), plus a twig to pose as your wand.

Pippi Longstocking stories by Astrid Lindgren

Pippi Longstocking

Dressing up as Pippi Longstocking: Getting the gravity-defying braids just right is key. After plaiting and securing with hair bands, use either pipe cleaners or a piece of wired hanger (the length of the hair) and weave in an out of each braid to allow you to bend the plaits upwards and away from the head.

See Also

Freckleface Strawberry stories by Julianne Moore

Freckleface Strawberry

Dressing up as Freckleface Strawberry: Cute and simple to create, tie the red hair into a ponytail and then wrapped a red or pink bandana over the top of the head. A yellow top and green trousers completes the look, and make the most of those adorable freckles!

Tintin stories by Hergé

Herge TinTin

Dressing up as Tintin: An oversized mackintosh, brown trousers, a school shirt, and a toy (or real!) white dog is what you need. Get the ginger quiff going with some gel and you’re ready.

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