Why Donating Red Hair For Children’s Wigs Is So Important
Redheads (nay, everyone) can appreciate how precious and wonderful having hair is. So if you’re ever faced with losing it, your most treasured possession, the thing that make you feel like you, it’s devastating.
But sadly, due to illness, this is a reality for some people, and in rare cases, young children.
The Little Princess Trust wants to make these difficult times a little easier for children going through this. The charity provides real hair wigs to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment. The wigs are matched as closely as possible to the child’s natural hair colour, and each one can take over five individual donations to make!
We caught up with Kenny, a redhead with beautiful, waist-length ginger hair, who plans to cut it off to donate to the Little Princess Trust and raising money for CLIC Sargent…
**UPDATE: Here’s Kenny post-hair-cut!**
“When I was at school, a girl in my year got diagnosed with cancer. She survived but was sadly diagnosed a second time while we were at sixth form. She lost her battle with cancer at age 18.
“She used to say how she loved my hair and wished she could have a ginger wig. Her words stuck me with and having known people beat cancer, and knowing how much the little things, like a good wig, can make a big difference, the idea stayed with me for a long time.”
As any redhead knows, it is difficult to dye hair to reflect a true ginger colour
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Monica Glass, Charity Manager of the Little Princess Trust, thanked Kenny for her donation: “On behalf of all of the children that we help, thank you for donating your beautiful long, red hair. Donated hair is a very important commodity to the Trust.
“We provide all colours of wigs to children as required, but as any redhead knows, it is difficult to dye hair to reflect a true ginger colour, so if we receive natural red, all the better.”
The Little Princess Trust was founded in 2006 in memory of five-year-old Hannah Tarplee who lost her own battle with cancer the previous year. Since its inception, the Trust has given away over 4,000 wigs, which cost around £350-£500 each to be made, with no cost to the family. Visit littleprincesses.org.uk for more information on how to donate your hair to the Little Princess Trust.
Well done to Kenny for going under the scissors! To sponsor her, visit her JustGiving page.