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Happy Kiss a Ginger Day: 12th January 2018

Happy Kiss a Ginger Day: 12th January 2018


The ridiculous notion of ‘Kick A Ginger Day’ (which apparently takes place on 20th November, if you care) has made way for something much better: Kiss A Ginger Day, a global celebration of red hair.

Here’s how and why Kiss A Ginger Day was born…

So wherever you are in the world, celebrate Kiss A Ginger Day by showing your favourite redhead you appreciate their genetic rarity. If you happen to be in London, head to Hot for Ginger’s ‘Kiss A Ginger Day’ party at central London’s Square Pig pub from 6.30pm to celebrate the rare gingerness of red hair with your fellow kin. We’ll see you there!

Go forth, dear gingers! And remember, always get the redhead’s permission beforehand.

Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share your love of red hair!

See Also

Plan your year of gingerness with our Calendar of Redhead Events



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