The filmmakers found the only right move, the only right principle — they decided to show the development of Karl Marx's personality, his formation as a scientist and revolutionary. The authors reveal to us the person of Karl Marx in his diverse personal manifestations, in relationships with friends, colleagues, relatives, a beloved girl who becomes a devoted wife and friend, in his relationship with the era, the environment.
Before our eyes, gradually, imperceptibly, as if by stealth and at the same time quite logically, the miracle of the transformation of a young cheerful student, brought up in a wealthy and prosperous bourgeois family, first into a defender of the disadvantaged peasants, into a democrat and a fighter against Prussian absolutism, and then into a fighter against any oppression, a thinker, an ideologue of the most oppressed and the most progressive class — the proletariat.
With regard to the transformation of a student from a bourgeois family into an ideologist of the proletariat, the film very timely appears on the field of the current ideological battle. The fact is that the enemies of Marxism, powerless to refute its theoretical propositions, resort to the most unbridled methods of the tabloid press, seeking to discredit the personality of Marx, to debunk him as a man. Looking for negative statements about Marx in the memoirs of his political enemies (and, of course, he had plenty of such), the current "Marxologists" are trying to present him as a domineering, selfish, ambitious, intolerant person who did not take into account other people's opinions, who believed only in his own infallibility.
Similar characteristics, which do not rise above the level of philistine gossip, were in circulation during Marx's lifetime. He regarded the slander of enemies directed against him personally as minor life troubles. And to them, we know, he treated equally stuffy: "The dirty tricks of public life completely deprive a person with a character of the opportunity to get annoyed because of personal troubles." However, when lies and slander could damage the workers' movement, Marx joined the battle and did not leave a stone unturned from the enemy's positions. Marx devoted an entire book entitled "Herr Vogt" to the defeat of ideological opponents.
The comprehension of the hero's fate, the comprehension of the historical epoch that gave birth to him, occurs in the film mainly through the depiction of the intellectual conflict of the hero and the environment, society, when a person, ahead of circumstances, comprehends and assumes a goal only in perspective, which later becomes the conscious goal of the class, the masses. Hence the misunderstanding on the part of former friends, as if like-minded and associates. There is a break with Arnold Ruge, Bruno Bauer, Adolf Rutenberg. But at first we see how close both Bruno Bauer (X. Beneke) and Arnold Ruge (Yu. Budraitis), and Adolf Rutenberg (D. Heinze). Stormy discussions on political and social issues, the arena of which was the Doctor's Club, helped Marx to compare his thoughts with the thoughts, ideas that animated young liberals and Democrats, contributed to his formation. On this site there are many great games from more than 150 reliable trusted providers. The partner providers work stably, without failures or other unpleasant nuances.