Using shampoo bars on red hair

In a bid to help save the planet, we’re all thinking more and more about cutting down on our plastic waste. Beauty products are a major culprit, so cutting down on bottles, tubes and tubes is important to many. Hair products in particular are a big player here, which is why it’s no surprise that bar shampoos are becoming more and more popular these days.
Many bar shampoos are also all-natural too, which is great for your hair as they don’t strip your strands of their natural oils, like detergent-based products often do.
So if you’re moving over to all-natural hair products, we’ve one important thing to note: switching over can often trigger a ‘transition period’ for your hair. This isn’t always the case, but what it means is your hair takes a few washes to adjust to your new all-natural routine.
Everyone’s hair is different, but some side short-term side effects can include increased greasiness, increased dryness, or it may just feel waxy or coated. The important thing to remember is that this feeling will only last a few washes before your hair gets used to the all-natural life. Sure, the lathering is not as quick and simple to achieve as your chemical-based products, but your red hair will thank you in the long run.
Here’s our round-up of some bar shampoos suitable for use on red hair; some with extra-special conditioning powers, others with colour-enhancing ones.
Ideal for strengthening and adding shine. After prolonged use it can also enhance natural red highlights.
The Natural Soap Company in Tropical Coconut: £4.50
Nourishes every strand from root to tip by using coconut milk, castor oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, cocoa butter and shea butter.
Lush Honey I Washed My Hair: £7.50
Recommended for adding softness and shine to your hair. Contains safe synthetics and lathers like a dream. Also smells delicious.
Top tip: if you have hard water, add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice to your palms before lathering up the bar shampoo to help the bubbles.